
Serene Harbor garden
Serene Harbor is a unique outdoor classroom that provides an atmosphere to encourage our students to explore, dream, and learn.
There are so many distractions in today’s world, and national surveys say most children spend very little or no time observing or interacting in their natural environment and surroundings. Children learn best through their everyday experiences with the people they trust and when learning is fun. One of the best places for these experiences is outdoors, in the natural world.
Serene Harbor includes gardens, both for native vegetation and areas to grow vegetables and other plants. The seating area is suitable for instruction, as well as school-sponsored outdoor events.

literacy partners
The goal of this program is to have all students reading by the end of 3rd grade. Volunteers will read with students for 30 minutes each week. Literacy Partners is an outreach program run by Education Connection, whose mission is guided by 3 principles:
Humility – not bringing in our own agenda. We strive to be a support to the schools, classrooms, and children.
Consistency – making a volunteer commitment for a school year of service. Truly using one’s servant heart to honor constant reading with children.
Simplicity – “Elaborate Simplicity” – the idea being that Education Connection needs to be something that imposes little on the schools/teachers and simple enough that a willing volunteer without “teacher training” can do and will make a difference to the child.