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Homeroom Parents Needed!

Sign-Up via the button below if you are interested in becoming a Homeroom Parent this year.  This job entails assisting the teacher, coordinate classroom events such as classroom parties, grade level events such as field trips, school events such as Carnival, and other activities throughout the year.   Only one person will be chosen as the Homeroom Parent for communications from SHE Administration.  Contact names of those that signed up for classroom support will be passed on to this Homeroom Parent for future class needs. 

The SHE PTO needs your help! We are looking forward to the school year and want to build on the successes of this past year and make our school the very best it can be. Please take a moment to sign-up for any volunteer opportunities you might be interested in for this school year via Konstella. A member of PTO will contact you regarding these volunteer opportunities as they come up. Please note your contact info will be used only in relation to volunteering with the PTO and will not be used in any other manner. A successful year at SHE starts with parent volunteers like you.

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Volunteer Opportunities Available

Below you will find information about various school-wide activities and support programs Serene Hills PTO coordinates each year.

 Fundraising Events 

SHE Fun Run

We need a strong team to get the most out of our greatest fundraiser, help will mainly be needed on the day of the Fun Run doing various tasks to ensure success.

parent's gala

Our parent's gala is an event not to be missed!  Our PTO will need help with decoration set up, silent auction checkout, IT for slideshow, and check in.  

Carnival Committee

Assist the PTO with various tasks from collecting donations from local businesses, volunteering time during the event, setting up event, cleaning up after event, helping with swag bags, etc.

 Special Programs 

Serene Harbor Garden

Here is a great chance to galvanize the students to work on the schools garden.  There are great creative opportunities here for each grade to take pride in an aspect of this space as well as incorporate some daily lessons into the mix.

Track & Field Day

This is such a fun day for all the students at SHE and it takes a lot of planning and coordination with Coach Z to pull it off.

Literacy Partners

A community outreach program to help students be more successful with reading, reading with students for 30 minutes each week.  This is run by an outside program but PTO helps to recruit volunteers.

Science Fair

Assist in coordinating this event with teachers and PTO from set up, execution and clean up.

Mentor Me

 Mentors who commit to working with one student throughout the course of the school year for 30 – 45 minutes at least twice a month (once a week is preferred) during lunch hour or after school. 

Mother / Son Event

A fun new event with Mother and Son’s to help encourage community at SHE.  More details to come.

Back To School bash

Assist the PTO in the set up and tear down of event.  Help throughout the event with many needs.

Father / Daughter Event

A fun new event with Father and Daughter’s to help encourage community at SHE.  More details to come. 

 Health Related Opportunities 

Vision & Hearing Screening Testers

This requires taking a course to certify you as a screener for the day in order to help Nurse Erin get through all the students in a timely manner.

Vision & Hearing Screening Volunteer

Assisting with the annual vision and hearing screening process, help escort and monitor students during testing time, this is not an all-day commitment.

Flu Vaccine Day

Assisting with escorting and monitoring students during the day, being a calming presence for the students who are not thrilled about getting a shot!

 General Support 

5th Grade Special Events

Assist in the preperation and setting up of 5th grade events such as... (Sock Hop, Kickball, and Graduation).  If you are a 4th grade parent this is perfect opportunity to get a head start on what to expect in the coming year.  Work closely with 5th Grade Teachers and other Home Room Parents for these events.

Library Volunteer / Book Fair

Assisting our Librarian as needed for specific tasks throughout the year including the book fair.

Photographers for Yearbook

Be part of a team to help capture SHE students during the year at school and at special SHE sponsored events to be used for yearbook photos.

Talent Show

Committee to host the show, coordinate the event, help facilitate try outs, help set up, and clean up.

Share Career / Hobby

A great way for members of the community and parents of our SHE students to teach students about their career/hobby throughout the year.

 Office / Administration 

Lunch Room Volunteers

Assist Cafeteria staff and SHE staff in the lunchroom by helping with students needs during the lunch time.

 Serene Hills Elementary Sponsors 

© Copyright 2020 by

Serene Hils Elementary PTO

Tel: 512-533-7400

3301 Serene Hills Dr

Austin, Texas 78738

SHE PTO Website

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