
Welcome Homeroom Parent!
Thank you so much for volunteering to be a Homeroom Parent in your child’s classroom this year! This website has been put together for you to reference throughout the year and includes the following items listed below.
Events Calendar
Volunteer Opprotunities & Information
Links / Documents needed for sending to parents
News Blog
These items listed below can be found on our PTO Website and under Links & Documents on this site if needed throughout the year.
We are so excited about your participation and want you to know that you play a vital role in our school. We appreciate you giving your time and talents to this very important job. We hope this handbook helps clarify your role as a Homeroom Parent. We also encourage you to attend one General PTO meeting this year. It’s a great opportunity to see what is going on at the school and give much needed parent feedback.
HRP Quick Reference Pamphlet
HRP Volunteer Hours Log Sheet
Homeroom Parent Responsibilities
Communicate with the Teacher
Communicate with the class parents – done through Konstella
Communicate with the PTO Volunteer Coordinator – passing on SHE Administration and PTO information to parents through Konstella (less this year)
Organization of any Classroom Parties and other School Events such as Carnival and Track and Field Day if they occur
Organize class gifts for Teachers (Birthday, Holiday, and EOY)
Organize efforts for Teacher Appreciation Week
Be a Positive Role Model by keeping things upbeat and positive at all times
Responsible for decorating classroom door throughout the year (3 times minimum)
Homeroom Parent Guidelines
Meet with your teacher as early as possible to get an understanding of what is expected of you and the classroom assistance that will be needed. You may be meeting with the whole Grade level HRP’s if teachers set it up that way.
Get a contact list from your teacher with parent information such as email address and ensure all parents have been invited to Konstella. Parents will have the opportunity to register and add phone numbers, etc so that other parents can reach out. This replaces a class contact list.
If parents have not registered on Konstella, follow the instructions below on how to add parents into the classroom.
Make Parent contact through Konstella by sending an introduction letter provided to you by the PTO (which can be tailored to your specific classroom). This letter will lay out the school year for parents and will also help in the explanation of donations throughout the year.
Home Room Parents are asked to make an effort to include all parents who wish to volunteer for the homeroom in all phases of planning for classroom events.
Follow all regulated policies, guidelines and procedures such as Texas Rules and Guidelines, LTISD Rules and Policies, SHE Rules and Policies, SHE PTO Rules, By-laws, Policies and Guidelines, especially at party times. Please make a note to all parents about any classroom allergies.
Be a positive role model and be calm at all times. Should a situation arise and one or two contacts does not solve the situation, please turn the situation over to the Volunteer Coordinator to be handled with the assistance of Principal Leudecke.
Collecting of Money Donations
When collecting money, please kindly inform parents that they are welcome to send individual gifts for these occasions if they desire to do so, and that participation as a class is VOLUNTARY…If money is being sent to the school from parents to you please be sure all money is sent in a closed envelope marked “To the Attention of (Your name)…”. Please talk to your teacher on how you would like for her to get the envelopes to you. Please just keep a reference of who sent money and how much.
A trackable electronic method is our preferred method of payment, ie Venmo, Paypal, etc
Venmo and Paypal offer Cards that can be used with your account
In years past it has been proven that asking for money for the year at the beginning of school is best. As the year goes on it is harder to collect money when needed. The following gift cost distribution chart can be used to assist in collecting donations.
Teacher Birthday Gift $10
Holiday Gift $10
End of Year Gift $10
Teacher Appreciation $10
Adopted Staff Member(s) $10
Carnival Donation (Class Goal $250) $10
Total Donation To Class for the Year $60